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Dr Zoë J Ayres
The motivation behind my mental health advocacy
During my PhD, I experienced mental health concerns for the first time. It was during this period I realised the stigma that still surrounds mental illness, the lack of awareness of issues that might affect mental health in academia, and the lack of tailored support for PhD students.
I believe for us to truly solve the biggest challenges of today we must have diverse teams of talented individuals working towards one common goal. I also strongly believe that wellbeing and productivity go hand in hand, and am interested in this intersection, enabling researchers to be at prolonged peak performance. For these reasons I advocate for improved mental health awareness and support in academia and beyond, as well as greater representation and inclusivity within STEM, alongside my day job as a scientist.
I write magazine articles and blogs about mental health in academia, consult on improving mental health for PhD student experience and deliver talks on academic mental health - if you would like me to come speak at an event, be on a panel about mental health, or write for you please get in touch!
Find out more

About me
Experience as research scientist and Head of R&D in industry, with background in electrochemistry and analytical techniques, now back in university settings.
President of Royal Society of Chemisty Analytical Community.
Scientific committee for #RSCPoster, for the last 4 years.
Conference organiser (2013-2019) and chair of Analytical Science Network (2019).
Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund Chair.
Analytical scientist
Best-selling author of "Managing Your Mental Heal th During Your PhD".
Creator of #mentalhealth Twitter poster series, exploring mental health in academia. Find them here.
Project lead for Twitter campaign #100voices, sharing 100 mental health journeys from researchers over 100 days to reduce the stigma.
Co-founder of "Voices of Academia" - mental health blog for academics.
Numerous mental health articles.
Mental Health Advocate
Co-applicant for "Breaking Barriers" seminar series
Co-author of Warwick Chemistry International Women's Day report - on improving gender diversity in the department, including action plan.
Wellbeing and Diversity committee - Uinversity of Warwick.
Featured in 1MWIS project.
RSC supported "Diversity Book Club" project
Project lead, Enable Scence/ Compound Chem Disabled Scientist Spotlight Series
Outreach and SciComm
ED&I work
Project lead for exhibit design "Diamond: more than just a gemstone" Royal Society Summer Exhibition 2016.
Schools' Analyst competition host at University of Warwick (2019).
Outreach articles: "What is Analytical Science?" and "Catching a cheat".
Numerous other events including "Chemistry at Work", "Science Lates", outreach at local schools and departmental seminars.
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